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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Death Knocks by Woody Allen

Source:Past year questions of JULY 2012 SEMESTER  B.ED. (HONS) TESL UNISEL

1. Would you characterize the tone of the play as comic, tragic, tragicomic, or something else? Provide evidence from the play to support your stand.

I characterized the tone of the play as comic because Woody Allen used this comedy to explain we should be optimistic to our life. He used humor to tell us that death is not as awful as people realized.

2. Describe Death's character based on the details of the opening scene provided.

As Allen personifies him, Death is on his first day at the job and is a bit of a bumbler. When we first meet Death, he is anxious and fearful because he almost broke his neck climbing in the bedroom window. 
3.What do the first few lines of conversation imply about the relationship of Death and Nat? Explain your answer with evidence from the play.
Nat and Death don't treat each other as strangers as"Nat bargains for extra life time" and Death appearances similar to Nat " You look a little like me".

4. How does Nat outwit Death? Provide 2 evidences from the play to support your statements.

Nat outwitted Death by offering a game and he made a deal if he won he will get an extra day to live. Then, they played a game called ‘Gin Rummy’ which Death was so excited to play the game as he will get an amount of money. But when Nat’s wins the game which held at his own place, Death is chased out and forced to leave with nothing to show for his night’s work. Nat’s get this idea because he is still need time and he is not ready to go with Death. 

5. What irony is depicted in the drama? Explain with examples from the play.

Death want to surprise Nat by entering his house from the windows. However, Death failed, he has to go home and come again tomorrow.

6. State and discuss one main theme of the drama.

Death is unpredictable.

People don't know when will they die, but they know they will die sooner or later. No matter in what condition we are, if it is time for us to die, we will die. In this play, Nat shows that he is not ready to die.

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