Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ish, Ramadan datang lagi! VS Yeaaa, Ramadan datang lagi!


Masa kecil dulu saya tak suka bulan Ramadan sebab:
Nanti lapar.
Nanti badan jadi lemah.
Nanti mulut jadi busuk.
Nanti adik kecil saya makan depan saya, saya jadi tak keruan.
Nanti nak mandi laut atau sungai tak boleh sebab dikatakan makhruh.
Nanti bosan kalau Ramadan jatuh waktu cuti sekolah atau hujung minggu sebab tak boleh pergi mandi di sungai atau laut.
Nanti kena tolong mak masak dengan badan yang lemah.
Masa ke masa saya belajar ambil tahu mengenai bulan Ramadan.Saya semakin suka Ramadan sebab:
Nanti boleh jimatkan duit sebab siang tak perlu makan .Bulan Ramadan bulan untuk rehatkan perut. Perut mana ada mulut nak minta rehat. Allah Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang. Bulan Ramadan bulan perut rehat.
Nanti kita akan diberi rehat berbanding masa bulan-bulan terdahulu kita asyik sibuk dan nak dapat rehat memang susah.
Nanti kita akan kurang bercakap. (Yelah, mulut kitakan busuk.Malu nak cakap banyak-banyak.Tapi tahukah anda bau mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih wangi daripada haruman kasturi di sisi Allah s.w.t. Si Perokok pula boleh berlatih berhenti merokok.
Nanti saya okay je kalau ada orang makan depan saya. Saya kan dah besar panjang. Hahaha. Lagipun, Syaitan-syaitan dibelenggu sepanjang bulan Ramadhan. Kalau saya nak batalkan juga puasa, siapalah setan tu ya?
Nanti-nanti je mandi laut dan sungai. Inilah masa untuk memerhatikan ciptaan Allah dan berzikir mengingati-Nya Bulan Ramadan baca quran tepi pantai? Uwauuuu

Nanti kalau banyak masa terluang. Isikan saja dengan membaca Al-Quran. Dahla Para malaikat memohon keampunan untuk orang yang berpuasa sehingga dia berbuka. Terdapat pada bulan ini Lailatul Qadar yang mana ianya lebih baik daripada seribu bulan. Sesiapa yang tidak mengambil peluang untuk membuat kebaikan dan beramal padanya maka dia telah melepaskan semua peluang kebaikan. Orang-orang yang berpuasa akan mendapat keampunan pada malam yang terakhir daripada bulan Ramadhan

Nanti saya masak sendiri dengan kawan-kawan.Bulan Ramadan juga bulan rahmat. Ada je dapat makan percuma. Jimat betul bulan puasa

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Yes,you can speak English!

Most of us being afraid to speak in English as a foreigner asked us something in English. I met my two friends yesterday. They asked me to teach them English. They said they don’t know what to say if an international student asked them direction.

I said to them I believe they can speak or answering question about direction. The basic thing about showing direction is about turning left or right and going straight or going back. Anyway, most of us have learned English since we were very little. 

We just need a little courage to speak up. Don’t worry if you don’t pronounce it right; speaking too slow or grammatical error. What you are saying is important for them. No matter how slow you are, they are willing to listen and they have to try to understand.

My motto is to make things simple as possible. For example if one asked you, “How are you?” you can answer it “good”. Then, “How‘s your study?” and again you answer it good or you have difficulty in studying, you can just said “bad”.

Whatever it is don’t forget to read or listen anything in English to enrich your vocabs(vocabulary). If you have a favourite movie that you are not bored to watch it over and over again, keep watching but remember to get a movie with English subtitles. I recommend you to find “A life in Japan” video in youtube because they speak in easy English and it also with English subtitles. The stories in it are quite interesting and that will makes you easily remember.

Do you remember how you learned your mother tongue language? You didn’t start with learning how to read and spelling, right? Your mother didn’t ask you to memorize this is a television, this is a tree or teach how to spell it right? It is because we heard everyday people said this thing is a television, they love watering the trees and so on. Believe it or not we already how to speak in our mother tongue language before we went to school. 

About grammar? I tell you about it later. I am sure you want to write in English in a right way. I am not that good in English but I know easy English and I love sharing. See ya!

Monday, July 1, 2013

I love pat and pets

Pat(Tepuk) on the back means to give encouraging words or praise to someone 

while pet means an animal we can keep and nurture with love.

I love patting my friends if they're doing good job in our group assignment, games and stuff.

I love people doing the same to me too.

It may seem strange. I give myself a pat too if I do good in things.Haha.

or when I am sad.. I pat myself and tell to myself I'll be ok soon.

I got messed up these couple of months. I lose some and win some.

I gambled few things, I lost in the "game".

I do win some.But it isn't that much.

Send someone to love me :( I wish.

I am busy with silat cekak Malaysia because the training is getting tougher.

I sacrificed for not going to other clubs because I need rest and training for silat.

I hate when someone asked me what is my priority as I didn't go where he want me to be.

Dad sent me here (UNISEL) to study. My priority is to study. So?

I have family matters to look on and I have to volunteered myself to take care of this weak family bonds and strengthen it with love and care.

I don't want to be seen as someone who only one care about patani issues and others far away issues but ignore what's going on with my surroundings.

I live at Kota Puteri,Ijok and my Unismart friends at Kota Puteri struggling for SPM.We live very near.But,I should steal time to go seeing the Unismart friends and help them. They need someone to encourage them to do well in SPM.I am so relieved to have some Unisel's friends who would also do the same.

I love teaching for free for those in need because I used to have friends who taught me for free.I want to be just like them.I believe education will free you to "fly" high and soar in the "sky".

and I love pets

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