Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Nurul Izzah(puteri Anwar) and me ♥

I was standing behind her.Nurul Izzah the daughter of Anwar Ibrahim. My friend tyra was said a girl who resembles to Izzah. They way she dressed and the way she talked sounds like her but what makes a difference is when she takes me by the hand and makes me feel like a good friend. She doesn't even care if I can speak properly or acting weird or not that smart as her. I wish her love and good luck to tyra hanim. I can see her as a politician in the future. I am waiting for her to make Malaysia for a better place. Ameen.
As for Nurul Izzah. She amazed me as she answered the questions given to her.
Hmm she said.. If you are too honest. You cannot be a politician.
At first I was like.. Being liar is much prefered in politics.. but then, I believe in politics, we cannot reveal much. We put ourself in danger if reveal too much. I think.

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